líderes audiovisuales en Andalucía


Productora de líderes audiovisuales en Andalucía


At Grupo ADM, we are not just another production company; we are a way of believing and creating. Since our founding in 1998, we’ve launched countless successful television formats, some of which have become legendary, like Andalucía Directo.

You’ve probably seen our shows on your screen, like A Toda Costa, Callejeando, Andalucía en Semana Santa, Tiene Arreglo, or La Respuesta está en la Historia. We take immense pride in showcasing Andalusian talent beyond our borders, creating formats for networks like Televisión Española, Movistar, Telemadrid, and TVG (Galicia).

But we’re not just about TV. We’ve produced breathtaking documentaries and consistently embraced cutting-edge technology: from immersive mappings to FPV drones and pioneering the use of artificial intelligence in creating successful television programs.

We told you before… We’re not just another production company.

Are you in?

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Producciones líderes audiovisuales en Andalucía

Our Principles
Inspired by The All Blacks:
  1. Be humble.

  2. Improve every day.

  3. Do everything with purpose.

  4. Share responsibilities.

  5. Never stop learning.

  6. Character over talent.

  7. Aim for the highest.

  8. Train to be the best.

  9. Keep a cool head under pressure.

  10. Self-awareness unlocks your potential.

  11. A unique language is the identity of a team.

  12. Make time for what matters, no excuses.

  13. Before action, always unite as one.

  14. Be a role model for the future.

  15. Think about the legacy you want to leave.

  16. Quality, quality, and more quality.

Marta Cervantes

Deputy Content Director

Marta Cervantes

Let’s keep calm

Gustavo Fuentes

General Manager

Gustavo Fuentes

In weakness, find opportunity

Óscar González-Barba

Corporate Director

Óscar González-Barba

Humor over fury

Inés Porro

Andalucía Directo Coordinator

Inés Porro

The world belongs to the brave

José Ramón García-Japón

Deputy General Management

José Ramón García-Japón

I’m making it up

Jorge Santos

Production Management

Jorge Santos

Change my photo

Vicky Jiménez


Vicky Jiménez

Comes to their house

Daniel Gamero

Content Management

Daniel Gamero

Writing, interrupt only in case of fire

Rocío Castro

Production Coordination

Rocío Castro

We need it by yesterday

David Pérez

Technical Management

David Pérez

Tell me your list and we’ll go from there

Mario R. Balbontín

R&D+AI Coordination

Mario R. Balbontín

There’s a meeting today

Rocío Marchena

Strategic Projects Coordination

Rocío Marchena

Flying I go, flying I come

Rafa Posadas

TV Content Coordination

Rafa Posadas

With a smile, you can reach the end of the world

Mariano Diaz

Andalucía Directo Production Coordination

Mariano Diaz

There are no problems, only solutions

Pepe Carmona

TV Production Coordination

Pepe Carmona

And this, how much does it cost, little one?

Elena Anguita


Elena Anguita

Today I brought my mom’s cake

Manuel Yébenes


Manuel Yébenes

Brunch or die

Lorena Beltrán


Lorena Beltrán

Wherever you go, take photos

José Luis Gallego

Technical Coordinator

José Luis Gallego

If you don’t try, it fails

Yazmina Nistal


Yazmina Nistal

I only remember the emotion of things, I forget everything else

Lolo Paéz

Live Broadcast Coordination AD

Lolo Paéz

The best work is done as a team

Alba Alcalde


Alba Alcalde

Everything by email

Fernando García


Fernando García

You have it in the drive

Rocío Arauz


Rocio Aráuz

I’m passionate about it!

Fran Orellana


Fran Orellana

This is the light I want

Paco Rodríguez


Paco Rodríguez

There’s always time for the call to convince

Isabel López


Isabel López

Create, grow, and dream

José Valle

R&D + AI

José Valle

You’re mad, but I’ll tell you a secret: the best people are

Dani Valle

R&D + AI

Dani Valle

Follow the white rabbit

Kike Borrego


Kike Borrego

What’s going on here?

Gonzalo Alonso


Gonzalo Alonso

Video editor and professional whistler

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Do you have talent and great ideas?

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