Crimen y Ley

Crimen y Ley

Documentary series about crimes

4 cases, 4 types of crime. Many theories, only one answer.
With a spirit of public service, our documentary series tackles every facet of the reality behind the most outstanding cases in Andalusian crime reporting, aiming to learn as much as possible about how the actions of public security forces and the judicial system almost always ensure that the criminal ends up behind bars. The documentary series has established itself as the best format to learn about and understand the reality that surrounds us, delving into its nuances. That is why, in “Crimen y Ley” we focus on analyzing our crime chronicles: to know them, understand them, better understand ourselves, and above all, absorb valuable lessons that will serve us in the future.

What happened? Why did it happen? How could it have happened? What can each one of us do to ensure it never happens again? How can we help the authorities if it does happen? These are some of the questions that experts answer for us in every episode. In this way, through some well-known cases and others less so, we have concentrated on seeking those answers all across Andalusia, hand in hand with the renowned crime novelist Susana Martín Gijón.

Through exhaustive analysis, “Crimen y Ley” explores events related to crimes, kidnappings, settling of scores, serial killers, rituals, organized or unsolved crime, as well as the strategies used to combat these threats…. There are many types of crimes and many ways to perpetrate them. What we know less about is how they were resolved and, above all, what we can do to prevent them from happening again. Thus, the format includes testimonials from the key figures of each case and statements from members of the state security forces, along with fictionalized reenactments, archival material, pieces created with artificial intelligence, and more measured and reflective visual elements—with a very refined aesthetic—that capture the emotional and human side of the events in images.

Furthermore, after each episode, a panel debate is broadcast that thoroughly analyzes the key aspects of the different cases, delving into them with the help of experts, key figures, and the show’s own host.
Welcome to Crimen y Ley.

Watch the full version on CanalSur Más

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